Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bank & Treasury Management - BSF222

Agustin Mackinlay 


Session 10 - April 17, 2012


. A look at Financial Markets

. Assets, Liabilities, Return on Equity

. A Word on Investment Banking

. The weak March Jobs Report (CNBC)

. Chinese Gross Domestic Product (CNBC VIDEO)

. The Situation in Spain (CNBC VIDEO with some charts).
 VIDEO: Investment Banks
Investment banking: Bloomberg table on Fixed Income
From Maureen Farell: “As the lead underwriter, Morgan Stanley is likely to receive the lion's share of fees from the offering. The company is preparing to raise $5 billion in its initial public offering, which would the biggest Internet IPO ever. Facebook will be valued at as much as $100 billion in the stock sale, people familiar with the matter have said. And that's just the start. It positions Morgan Stanley for lead roles in future Facebook debt offerings or acquisitions” (*).

 (*) Facebook buys Instagram for $1bn (see).