Thursday, July 5, 2012


Commercial & industrial loans. Any type of loan made to a business or corporation and not to an individual. Commercial and industrial loans can be made in order to provide either working capital or to finance major capital expenditures. More info.

Case. Sun Trust lines of credit [see].

Balance sheet. Assets.

Type. In most cases a line of credit is secured by business assets, but an unsecured option may be available if certain credit conditions are met.

Maturity. Short-term (working capital); long-term (major capital expenditures)

Type of banking. Retail (small businesses lines of credit); Corporate (project financie, etc.)

Pricing. Variable interest rates (lines of credit: revolving credit, short term); Fixed interest rates (major financial capital expenditures: non-revolving credit, ling-term)..

Size of the market. Commercial & Industrial loans of US Commercial Banks, March 7 2012: $ 1379.3 billion.

Financial Times. "The UK offshore wind industry is heavily dependant on banks for project finance. This is not always easy in an inmature industry where the risks are often deemed complex and big. But now bank finance is not as easy as it was. 'Project finance is tight', says John Wood, a partner at the Norton Rose law firm. Traditionally, on project finance you would get a 15-yeaer repayment schedule for your debt. This has fallen to six or seven years, wich adds pressure when it is time to refinance. At the end of 2011, the UK had 636 turbines in 18 wind farms, accounting for more than 2 gigawatts of installed capacity -- the Saudi Arabia of offshore wind". Pilita Clark: "Financing woes pose a threat to 2020 target date", FT, June 4, 2012.

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