Sunday, July 8, 2012


Savings accounts. A deposit account held at a bank or other financial institution that provides principal security and a modest interest. Savings accounts are generally for money that you don't intend to use for daily expenses. Because savings accounts almost always pay lower interest rates than Treasury bills and certificates of deposit, they should not be used for long-term holding periods. Their main advantages are liquidity and superior rates compared to checking accounts.

VIDEO. HSBC paying an extra-high interest rate: lool at the date! [see]

Pricing I. Short-term interest rates. See

Pricing II. Maintenance fees: Sun Trust [see]. "Tiered interest rates": a pre-set scale of interest which is based on the premise that higher sums of money earn higher rates of interest.

Type of banking. Retail / Corporate.

Balance sheet. Liabilities. Depositary sources of funds (non-depositary sources: bonds, borrowing from other banks, discount borrowing from the central bank).

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